
Full Stack Development

I take immense pride in obtaining and understanding software development from front to back. Through my journey, I have awakened a passion for being a part of the entire creation of an application. The ability to transform the nebulous to tangible by way of careful planning of database design to UX design is a euphoric feeling I seek as an engineer.


Leading Technologies

This industry is known for moving swiftly in what is ‘cutting-edge’ and the ‘best technology to use’. With a deep understanding of Javascript and Python, I have compounded that knowledge with the skill to learn, adapt and effectively use new technologies quickly and efficiently. Additional technologies include Docker, Express, node.js, PostgreSQL, SQLAlchemy, and many others that are displayed in the various projects I have worked on.

Interpersonal Communication

Being able to effectively express myself and convey my thoughts, emotions and perspective are key characteristics that have served me not only in life but also as a successful engineer. Knowing what questions to ask, when and how to ask them has assisted with productivity and efficient use of time on countless projects. Working both independently and collaboratively, my ability to actively listen and respond, provided the necessary environment to complete tasks with a concise and appropriate solution.


Please feel free to browse and use some of the projects I am proud to have created and be a part of. I am always open to ways to improve and welcome any all feedback on your experience.


GoodReads inspired clone where users can browse and 'vault' movies.

Live GitHub


SoundCloud clone where users can upload, review and play songs cultivated by our userbase.

Live GitHub


Calendar-Centric and social application for video game releases.

Live GitHub